A legislative bill had been tabled to ban the sale of alcohol in Indonesia. The two Islamic parties supporting the bill cited “the protection of the children of the nation” as the reason. Bestowed with the world’s largest Muslim population, the parties recommended draconian jail sentences for offenders. Tourism officials are concerned about the economic effects of extending an alcohol ban to tourist spots like Bali.

A recent Nielsen survey found that just 2.2 percent of Indonesians over 20 had consumed alcohol in the past 12 months. Beer sales have increased by more than 50 percent over the past decade. The overall consumption is considered small for a population of over 250 million. Breweries giants Diageo, Carlsberg and Heineken are bracing for the worst in Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country. On the brighter side, the beer market for China is growing fast and expected to overtake the United States by 2017 the Reuters reported on 14 April 2015.
Sophia Logica's Comments
Humans are not the most logical creature because wrecking their brain seems to be a popular form of recreation. Heck, I do it too.
My Comments
In contrast animals don't wreck their brains for fun. If you start pouring beer to your pet's water container, your pet will keep a distance from it the moment the come to sniffing range. Religion was invented to guide us to behave with animal instincts.
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