Hardcore pedophiles evade detection by concealing their identity using dark net. It is accessible via a browser that masks users' identities by encryption. It has millions of users and thousands of websites. It works on a network of more than 6,000 computer servers span around the world that redirect signals to hide users' locations.
Dark net was originally developed by the U.S. military. To help protestors in China, Russia and Iran evade censorship, it is still partly funded by the U.S. government but pedophiles had abused this facility. A recent British study found that 80 percent of traffic to sites located only on the dark net were related to child pornography.
Hans Guijt and his colleagues at Terre des Hommes Netherlands, a child protection organization, attempted to trap pedophiles. The created digital puppet called Sweetie that looks and sounds like a 10-year-old girl from the Philippines. "In the 10 weeks' time that we were active on the Internet we were hit by more than 20,000 people, 20,000 men mainly, who were trying to get in contact with us to engage us in sexual activities," Guijt told CBS News. He added that they can't be so easily caught because they're using the dark net the CBS News reported on 9 April 2015.

Greg Virgin, a former NSA employee turned cyber security consultant, who's now helping U.S. child protection groups is trouble by this awful realization. "We found one site where users openly advertised the ages of the children they were interested in," Virgin said. "The average youngest age they were seeking for girls was zero years old. And the average age for boys was one."
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