REBLOG> Carpe Diem: Seize the Day: Don't Eat Three Meals A Day:
Phil Andows' Original Blog
"Civilized" Eating Habits.
The Europeans continued to eat at ridged times when they settled in America. Their meals were made up of light meal in the morning, a heavier cooked meal at midday, and a meal similar to the first later in the day. In contrast, the native eating times and portion varied according to the season. Since this eating pattern is similar to animals, the settlers reasoned that the natives were uncivilized.
Change in Lifestyle and Eating Habits
Meat was added to breakfast and dinner as the settlers prosper. The industrial revolution brought people away from their homes and turned lunch into a casual affair. The cooked meal was shifted to dinner when the people get back from work. Although lunch and dinner were switched, the amount of food consumed daily did not change.
The Heavy Breakfast
From an active farming lifestyle to a sedentary one, "People were still eating these giant country breakfasts," says Carroll. Soon, doctors reported that more of their patients were suffering from indigestion. Nutritionist suggested a lighter breakfast and the Kellogg brothers took this opportunity to promote corn flakes as a healthy alternative to heavy breakfasts. As time progresses breakfast became known as a meal for health food. Fruit-grower associations began their ad campaigns to choke the world with newly discovered vitamins.
Science Indifferent to Breakfast
Breakfast gets glorified and the interested party warn about skipping the most important meal of the day. This doctrine continues until today but science showed otherwise. A 2014 study by the University of Bath showed that breakfast had zero effect on metabolic rate. The University of Alabama concurred the finding with a similar study. These researches affirm a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2010. In the study one group ate three meals a day, while another ate six with the same total calorie count. No weight or hormonal differences between the groups were found. Similarly in 2014, University of Warwick researchers found no difference in metabolism between a group of women that ate two meals a day and another group that ate five.
Fasting Improves Metabolic Rate
As it turn out research are proving that fasting improves metabolism. Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging, has observed mice for over two decades. He found that mice who skip feedings are leaner and live longer than who don't fast. The fasting mice also have more robust brain cells. Mattson theorizes that caloric deprivation acts as a mild stress to trigger the self-defense. This wards off damage from aging, environmental toxins, and other threats. In another research, Satchidananda Panda of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, shown that periodic fasting may also prevent heart disease. Panda observed that mice consuming all of their calories within an eight-hour window were less likely to develop metabolic diseases like diabetes than those who ate whenever they pleased.
Back to Nature
Wooh the civilized settlers regiment were wrong and the dictated by nature indigenous were right. While eating dinner with your family to keep your girlish figure becomes a myth, it is very essence that keeps family together.
My Comments
Eating two meals will encourage fasting. I would make sense to pace it out accordingly. You can divide you day into three base on the time you awake and go to sleep. Take you first meal after one third of your day had passed and your second meal after two third of your day.