Monday, March 30, 2015

Gambling Requires Skills

I tried to convince my readers that gambling requires skill. There are tons of researches that would conclude otherwise. In a recent (2012) study Professor Gerhard Meyer, of the University of Bremen's Institute of Psychology and Cognition Research, suggested that poker was chiefly a game of chance. There were 300 participants in Prof Meyer's research. They played 60 hands poker each, on tables of six. The players were classified as 'expert' and 'average' players based on their ability to make money from good, bad and average hands. The research found that 'expert' players lost less money on bad hands, but did no better than 'average' players on mediocre hands - and made slightly less on good ones. Prof Meyer concluded that "poker players overestimate the skill factor in their play".

A research studied 456 million hands of poker from a year's worth of online game. In just a few hands the better-performing players fared better half the time. Their success rate gradually increased until they played 1,471 hands. Given that frequency, they could do better at least 75 per cent of the time. Dr Dennie van Dolder, of the University of Nottingham's School of Economics, said the study showed 'skilled players will consistently outperform less skilled players if enough hands...are played.'

Researchers from the University of Nottingham, working with colleagues from Erasmus University Rotterdam and VU University Amsterdam, also noted that players who finished in the top one per cent in the first half of the year were 12 times more likely than others to repeat the feat in the second half. Writer and TV presenter Victoria Coren Mitchell, one of Britain's top professional players, has won more than £1.5m - including £400,000 at a single event. Dr van Dolder said, "It's up to legislators to decide whether the role of chance diminishes fast enough for poker to be considered a game of skill," the Daily Mail reported on 25 March 2015.

Light and Easy Talk: Middle-class Kids' Poor Academics

REBLOG>Light and Easy Talk: Middle-class Kids' Poor Academics

Veronica Glowsome's Original Blog

According to the Department of Education 40% of middle-class college entrants who were high school graduates in 2004 had obtained bachelor's degrees by 2012. This implies that the ability to maintain status quo or achieve upward social mobility on the economic ladder is endangered. A college degree used to be a stepping stone to the middle class. Today had become a prerequisite to sustain the status.

The reasons for the failure were not known as researchers focus were on lower-income children getting through college. The Department of Education tracks high school graduates for the year 2004 whose families earned between $46,000 and $99,000 for the first case periodically check on them until 2012. In the second study they kept track of freshmen in 2003 from families with incomes between $60,000 and $92,000 and check on them until 2009. Both stats found that fewer than half leaving with a bachelor's degree. The first case recorded 40 percent graduated while the second chalked 45 percent.

Middle-class Kids

Anthony Carnevale, director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce said bachelor degree holders earn $2.3 million over their lifetime, on average. That's $600,000 more than someone with an associate degree and $800,000 more than those who left college with no diploma. "It's a lot harder to maintain your middle class status without a degree," Carnevale told CNN Money on 25 March 2015.

My Comments

Living in the digital age had cause them to be a pampered generation.

Pest in Midst: The Great FireWall of China

REBLOG>Pest in Midst: The Great FireWall of China:

XingCai Tang's Original Blog

Today China can be deemed as successful in their massive internet surveillance and content control task. The Great FireWall of China had managed to keep out any content that do not go in tandem with government policies. Although VPNs, or Virtual Private Networks had been used to get around the firewall, recent crackdown by the authorities had shut them down. Roseann Rife, the East Asia research director of Amnesty International, anticipated that the success of the Chinese model will attract buyers from countries like Russia or Egypt.

China Internet Censorship

Back in Jan 1999, MIT Media Lab founder and technology pundit Nicholas Negroponte declared that a "healthy disrespect for authority" was required for any successful Internet industry. A year later, then-U.S. President Bill Clinton announced that "liberty will spread by cell phone and cable modem" and that any attempt to control the Internet in China would be "like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall." Things certainly had changed now, the CNN on 25 March 2015.

While Napoleon Bonaparte was wise not to awake the "Sleeping Giant", arrogant Bill Clinton certainly did not learn for it. Where there is a will, there will be ways and China should not be underestimated. With one-third of the world's population, China had more web users than the population of the United States. What they had is human capital and given time they will find a solution.

My Comments

I agree with Negroponte that a "healthy disrespect for authority" was required for any successful Internet industry. There is a little rebel in everyone. In the Chinese case, it is take it or leave. A censored internet is better than no internet at all.

Carpe Diem: Seize the Day: Redheads Lack Sunlight

REBLOG>Carpe Diem: Seize the Day: Redheads Lack Sunlight:

Phil Andows' Original Blog

If sun tanning darkens skin tone, then insufficient sun should result in fairer skin and red hair. This was discovered by scientist after having studied the gene evolution of 1,000 people from Spain. "The 'ginger gene,' or 'V6OL allele,' showed up 50,000 years ago after humans left Africa for colder climates. This gene made human’s skin lighter, as they were exposed to less vitamin D from the sun" [Irish Central, 26 March 2015].

Irish Central referred to another study by the BritishDNA found on the Mail Online two years ago. The BritishDNA study was based on data from 2,343 people who have undergone DNA tests to learn more about their ancestry. They created the first-ever map detailing the distribution of red-headed genes. They looked at three different variants of the MC1R gene which causes red hair; those with 151-Cysteine-red have a 70,000 year old variant that probably arose in West Asia, those with 160-Tryptophan-red are descendants of someone who probably also lived in West Asia 70,000 years ago, and 294-Histidine-reds belong to a much younger group who come from a European who lived about 30,000 years ago. The BritishDNA concluded that for a child to develop red hair, both parents must be carriers of one of these red-hair gene variants. But even then there is only a 25 per cent their child will be born ginger.

Map on redheaded genes concentration by BritainsDNA

Irish central also points to ScotlandsDNA Project in 2012 that found the Celts flaming red hair was caused by the weather. The experts believe that the gloomy climate in Scotland has seen a deliberate genetic adaptation. The red hair helps to take advantage of sunny days and allows the body to absorb more vitamin D. Unfortunate, redheads suffer more discrimination per head of population than ethnic minorities. The Centre for Equality Policy Research said that, "A job applicant with ginger hair is seven times more likely to be rejected than a dark-haired applicant, and eight times more likely than a fair-haired applicant."

My Comments

Scientist says red is a color that ignites anger. I suspect this as the reason they get reject for job vacancies.

Filling Bottles: Islamic Ring in Viking Grave

REBLOG>Filling Bottles: Islamic Ring in Viking Grave:

Sue DaJi's Original Blog

Vikings ties with the Islamic caliphate existed during the 9th century. Ancient texts and tales recorded the Vikings sojourn to the Islamic caliphate but they usually include references to "giants and dragons". A finger ring excavated during the late 19th century that was inscribed with Arabic letters indicate such ties and researchers led by Stockholm University biophysicist Sebastian Wärmländer are re-examining it.

The Ring Excavated at Birka

The ring was excavated Swedish grave in the town of Birka, on Björkö Island, about 19 miles (30 kilometers) from Stockholm. The town was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1993 because it was an important Viking trading center. Arabic Kufic writing was inscribed on the ring. The letters appear to read "AL_LLH," researchers say, which they interpret as meaning "for/to (the approval of) Allah." It is only ring with an Arabic inscription ever found at a Scandinavian archaeological site, the CNN reported on 19 March 2015.

The ring belong to a women clad in traditional Viking attire but her ethnicity was unknown due to the decomposed state of the bones in the grave. "It is not impossible that the woman herself, or someone close to her, might have visited -- or even originate from -- the Caliphate (which then stretched from Tunisia to the borders of India) or its surrounding regions," the researchers said.

My Comments

Since this goes as far as India, the giants could refer to gigantic animals. The elephant can be seen as a giant horse. For a wild guess they regarded the giraffes as dragons.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Seeking Enlightenment: The Corporate Spy Game

REBLOG>Seeking Enlightenment: The Corporate Spy Game:

Sophia Logica' Original Blog

Insider threat is an expansive affair for companies where information is vital for business. "In an embarrassing episode for Morgan Stanley, the bank dismissed an employee earlier this year for taking information about an estimated 350,000 clients of its wealth-management division [Bloomberg 12 March 2015]." The dangers of hiring a Trojan Horse is ever-present in this business.

The Trojan Horse

Professional Input

This Bloomberg article had given some insights on corporate espionage. It reported that about 20 companies sell tools to monitor employee behavior. Dune Lawrence, Bloomberg's journalist, interviewed some players that sells software to spy on your employee. Most of them were former FBI agents and their inputs can be used to understand the espionage game.

Financial Stresses

Stroz Friedberg, a New York-based consulting firm, specializes in digital forensics. They use linguistic and behavioral analysis techniques developed by the FBI. It evaluates the content of employees e-mails and other communications. Warning will be triggered if terms indicating financial stresses were encountered. "Late rent" or "medical bills" are cited as instances of keywords the software seeks.

Behavioral Patterns

Employees activities were monitored to create a profile of each employee and establish a "normal" behavior. Suspicious activities will be flag when there is a deviation from the norm. An algorithm is used to place to risk score for users based on what danger they may pose to the organization. Employees getting ready to leave with highly sensitive data start doing things they hadn’t before, such as changing their e-mail habits or downloading thousands of documents from a database.

Privacy Issues

Edward Stroz, founder Stroz Friedberg and a former FBI agent, says companies have found this idea too intrusive in the past but the perception had changed in the past year. Like it or not, competitors will send spies to get information from the inside. They also prey on dissatisfied employes or those with financial stresses. Some form of monitor is better than none at all. Conscience had Securonix, a spy on employee software firm based in Los Angeles, raising the question on how much is too much. Dune Lawrence recorded Igor Baikalov, a former security executive at Bank of America and chief scientist at Securonix, with this dilemma.

My Comments

Call it paranoia if you like but it is better to take precaution than to be sorry. Some of these losses are in millions. Employees who work in industries where information is costly should accept that their privacy would be invaded.

Jack of All Trades: China: Mummified Monk Statue Stolen

REBLOG> Jack of All Trades: China: Mummified Monk Statue Stolen:

Jack Omnitrade's Original Blog

China claims that the Buddha statue, exhibited at the Hungarian Natural History Museum, was stolen from Fujian Province. This statue was a phenomenon because a 1,000-year-old mummified monk was found encased in it. The China Daily reported on 24 March 2015 that China's State Administration of Cultural Heritage had taken the necessary steps to retrieve the statue.

The mummified monk statue is now in the possession of a Dutch collector. The mummified monk statue made its debut when it first showcased at Drents Museum in the Netherlands last year. The mummy was discovered when a collector brought it to an expert for restoration. Subsequently a team of researchers and scientists was brought in to do a comprehensive study. CT scan show the mummy sitting on a bundle of cloth covered in Chinese inscriptions, revealing its identity as a Buddhist monk called Liuquan, the CNN reported on 23 March 2015.

CT Scan of Mummified Monk Statue

China's Claim

According to the documents, the monk was a local man who gained a reputation for curing diseases and promoting Buddhist principles. He passed away at the age of 37. Pictures provided by the Da Tian Museum, Fujian and those taken during the exhibition were found to have identical facial expressions as well as scratches on the stomach and the hand. The shape, height and weight of the Dutch collector's statue matches the measurements provided by the Da Tian Museum. The same Chinese character is also carved on the cushion that the Buddha sits on. "There are five proofs of evidence that show that the Buddha statue is the relic stolen in 1995 from a Chinese ancestral temple in Fujian province's Yangchun village," said a spokesman of the Da Tian Museum in Fujian.

The Dutch Collector's Claim

On March 23, the Dutch collector issued a statement saying the statue was acquired in 1994 from a sincere Chinese friend in the art circles. The statue was shipped to his residence in Amsterdam from a workshop in Hong Kong in 1995. Coincidentally, a Buddha relic was reported stolen in China in 1995. The Chinese and Dutch governments will seek a diplomatic solution to address the issue.

My Comments

The Chinese will get back their mummified monk Zhang LiuQuan. The issue would be the compensation for the current Dutch owner.

On Empty Thoughts: Behold the Teddy Bunny

REBLOG> On Empty Thoughts: Behold the Teddy Bunny:

Guerrilla Gamblers' Original Blog

Tianshan had been known by kung fu fiction fans to be the home for endless generations of invincible swordsmen. Endowed by majestic landscape, this is the favored choice of movie makers for continuous sword clashing in midair as the actors hang down the cliff from suspended strings. Now Tianshan holds another Chinese treasure – the Ili Pika. I guess you can call this creature a teddy bunny. It is rabbit that looks like a teddy bear – a fantastic combination for cute.

Ili Pika

There are less than 1,000 of these cute little teddy bunnies around which make them rarer than panda. These mammals are natives to the Tianshan on the mountain range in the Xinjiang region of northwestern China, says conservationist Li Weidong. Initially they were named Ochotona iliensis, in 1983. He estimates its numbers have declined by almost 70% since its discovery. "I discovered the species, and I watched as it became endangered. If it becomes extinct in front of me, I'll feel so guilty," Li told CNN.

The Ili Pika were 20 centimeters in length. They live on sloping bare rock faces and feed on grasses at high elevations. Global warming had affected their habitat. The altitude of permanent snow has risen in the Tianshan due to rising temperatures and receding glaciers. The teddy bunnies were forced retreat to mountain tops. Initially they inhabit at elevations between 3,200 to 3,400 meters. Now they have retreated to elevations of 4,100 meters. Li said.

My Comments

Teddy Bunnies of Tianshan, China is an explosive combination for cute, but they face extinction.

Time Is a Thief: The Ancient Tentacle Erotica

REBLOG> Time Is a Thief: The Ancient Tentacle Erotica

Amenda Steels' Original Blog

Tentacle erotica is a type of pornography that integrates traditional pornography with some elements of bestiality. They come under hentai titles with tentacle creatures having sexual intercourse with female characters. Fantasy, horror, or science-fiction themes were used to provide the storyline. Creatures with tentacles in erotic setting existed before animated pornography. The famous woodblock print by Hokusai Katsushika appeared in 1920. It was entitled “the Dream of the Fisherman's Wife”.

Shunga or erotic art were seen as sexual guidance for young couple during Hokusai’s times. It was the Japanese Karma Sutra enjoyed by men and women of all classes and superstitions and customs supports this claim. Samurai used shunga as an amulet against death. Merchant treat them as talisman to protect their warehouse from fire. [Source Wikipedia]. Shunga is literally translated as spring art. For Japanese spring refer to the blossom period and it was traditional to present a bride with ukiyo-e depicting erotic scenes from the Tale of Genji.

picture from wikipedia

The picture was rated third sexiest works of art ever by the Guardian. Pablo Picasso was took second place in the Guardian's rating.Ironically Picasso was greatly influence by Hokusai. Picasso painted his own version in 1903 that has been shown next to Hokusai's original in exhibits on the influence of 19th-century Japanese art on Picasso's work [Source Wikipedia].

Western critics such as Edmond de Goncourt and Jack Hillier interpreted the work as a rape scene. Based on the text above the image, the woman and the creatures express their mutual sexual pleasure from the encounter. Scholar Danielle Talerico is in the opinion that de Goncourt and Hillier would have seen it apart from the Kinoe no Komatsu collection and without understanding the text and visual references, depriving it of its original context.

My Comments

I looked at Picasso which was ranked second place by the Guardian and it seems to fall shot of Hokusai.


Ranked on first place was Egon Schiele. I must agree that Schiele semi-nude portrayals have a filthy quality, depicting women with not only lust and adoration but a dirty-minded frankness that transports his art from the merely beautiful to the wildly erotic. It is something to look at and just laugh.

Egon Schiele

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Twitter Bans Revenge Porn

Revenge porn is spreading intimate photos or videos without the subject's consent. In a memo to employees last month, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said he was embarrassed about the company's reputation and took "personal responsibility" for the company's failure to address the problem. Costolo wrote, "We suck at dealing with abuse and trolls on the platform and we've sucked at it for years," CNNMoney reported on 12 March 2015.

The CDA 230

Section 230 Communications Decency Act (CDA 230) is perhaps the most influential law to protect the kind of innovation that has allowed the Internet to flourish since 1996. It states that, "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider." This gives immunity to online intermediaries that host or republish speech that might otherwise be used to hold them legally responsible for what others say and do, [Electronic Frontier Foundation]. CDA 230 makes America a safe haven for websites that want to provide a platform for controversial or political speech and a legal environment favorable to free expression. Propagating pornographic materials was not on the intention of the CDA 230. Costolo did the right thing by admitting shame.

Yishan Wong and Reddit

Revenge was not the motive behind last year's major hack of celebrity photos. These images were heavily distributed on Reddit, and the company was criticized for being slow to remove them. Yishan Wong, Reddit's CEO said there was no plan to change policy to keep Reddit's anything goes image. "We will try not to interfere - not because we don't care, but because we care that you make your choices between right and wrong," Wong said in a blog post. Later Wong resigned abruptly and Ellen Pao takes over as interim CEO CNNMoney 25 Feb 2015. Neither vengeance nor pornography are acceptable norms of society. Costolo must have taken Wong's sudden resignation as a warning.

Revenge Porn Online

Law against Revenge Porn

Revenge porn is a crime in Israel that faces a maximum sentence of 5 years imprisonment but the punishment had not deter the crime. In October 2013 California had passed law to make revenge pornography illegal but it was criticized for not being comprehensive. The law only prosecute if the distributor is the photographer. Posting your ex-girlfriend's selfie does not count. According to a survey by the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI), up to 80% of revenge porn victims had taken the photos of themselves. The CCRI is a group founded by revenge porn victims and activists to push for legal reform in the United States. [CNN, October 2013].

Don't Eat Three Meals A Day

REBLOG> Carpe Diem: Seize the Day: Don't Eat Three Meals A Day:
Phil Andows' Original Blog

"Civilized" Eating Habits.

The Europeans continued to eat at ridged times when they settled in America. Their meals were made up of light meal in the morning, a heavier cooked meal at midday, and a meal similar to the first later in the day. In contrast, the native eating times and portion varied according to the season. Since this eating pattern is similar to animals, the settlers reasoned that the natives were uncivilized.

Change in Lifestyle and Eating Habits

Meat was added to breakfast and dinner as the settlers prosper. The industrial revolution brought people away from their homes and turned lunch into a casual affair. The cooked meal was shifted to dinner when the people get back from work. Although lunch and dinner were switched, the amount of food consumed daily did not change.

three meals image

The Heavy Breakfast

From an active farming lifestyle to a sedentary one, "People were still eating these giant country breakfasts," says Carroll. Soon, doctors reported that more of their patients were suffering from indigestion. Nutritionist suggested a lighter breakfast and the Kellogg brothers took this opportunity to promote corn flakes as a healthy alternative to heavy breakfasts. As time progresses breakfast became known as a meal for health food. Fruit-grower associations began their ad campaigns to choke the world with newly discovered vitamins.

Science Indifferent to Breakfast

Breakfast gets glorified and the interested party warn about skipping the most important meal of the day. This doctrine continues until today but science showed otherwise. A 2014 study by the University of Bath showed that breakfast had zero effect on metabolic rate. The University of Alabama concurred the finding with a similar study. These researches affirm a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2010. In the study one group ate three meals a day, while another ate six with the same total calorie count. No weight or hormonal differences between the groups were found. Similarly in 2014, University of Warwick researchers found no difference in metabolism between a group of women that ate two meals a day and another group that ate five.

Fasting Improves Metabolic Rate

As it turn out research are proving that fasting improves metabolism. Mark Mattson, a neuroscientist at the National Institute on Aging, has observed mice for over two decades. He found that mice who skip feedings are leaner and live longer than who don't fast. The fasting mice also have more robust brain cells. Mattson theorizes that caloric deprivation acts as a mild stress to trigger the self-defense. This wards off damage from aging, environmental toxins, and other threats. In another research, Satchidananda Panda of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, shown that periodic fasting may also prevent heart disease. Panda observed that mice consuming all of their calories within an eight-hour window were less likely to develop metabolic diseases like diabetes than those who ate whenever they pleased.

Back to Nature

Wooh the civilized settlers regiment were wrong and the dictated by nature indigenous were right. While eating dinner with your family to keep your girlish figure becomes a myth, it is very essence that keeps family together.

My Comments

Eating two meals will encourage fasting. I would make sense to pace it out accordingly. You can divide you day into three base on the time you awake and go to sleep. Take you first meal after one third of your day had passed and your second meal after two third of your day.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

New Human Species

REBLOG> Seeking Enlightenment: New Human Species:
Sophia Logica's Original Blog

Discovery at Penghu

Local fishermen in the Penghu Channel, 15 miles off the Taiwanese coast, netted in a jawbone with large teeth.


Comparing the Discovery

The jawbone doesn't seem to match any other genus of early humans.

comparing penghu
Picture from Dr. Yousuke Kaifu, an anthropologist at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo showing the jawbone discover in Penghu (center, Homo Erectus' jawbone from Java (left), and Homo Erectus jawbone from China (right).

The Penghu 1

The jawbone name "Penghu 1" by experts is believe to it existed in a time range of 200,000 to 10,000 years ago.
penghu timeline
Source : MailOnline

My Comments

With thie wide jaw they may be trace to the Red Deer Cave People in China.

Red Deer Cave People

Above is an artist's impression from MailOnline.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Filling Bottles: Put Yourself in Her Shoes

REBLOG> Filling Bottles: Put Yourself in Her Shoes:

Sue Daji's Original Blog

International Women's Day Celebration

Men across China sprinted with high heels in a race on 8 March 2015. This nationwide activity took the metaphor literally. The event was organized in good spirit as men would not acquired an empathy by wearing heels. The event managed to gather some participation from gutsy man who show up in good sport. One particular mall throw in some obstacles on the race track to make it more fun.

men running in high heels for women's day

Source China Daily

XingCaiTang's Comments

They should make men do house chores for one day next year.

My Comments

Babysitting should be included in the chores.

Jack of All Trades: Beware of Wrong La Plagne Ski Resort

REBLOG> Jack of All Trades: Beware of Wrong La Plagne Ski Resort:

Jack Omnitrade's Original Blog

La Plagne on Search Engine

The La Plange is a famous alpine ski resort in France. Just type La Plange on your search engine and the list will point you it. Some of the images that show on the search engine can enchant you. This seem like a must visit for a skier.

La Plagne Ski Resort

La Plagne on GPS

Looking up La Plagne on the GPS will result in some ambiguity. There are 3 La Plange listed on the GPS in France. A bus driver found out that choosing the wrong one was be a costly mistake and 50 Belgian tourists paid the price for his error on 9 March 2015.

The Pathetic Story

The Guardian reported that the bus driver made a 750 mile (1,200km) detour. The bus driver took the road leading to La Plagne village in the south of France near Spain, some 400 miles (600 km) southwest of the ski resort. The pathetic tourist reached their destination in the Alps 24 hours late.

My Comments

I guess as long as you get someone to move the bus it does not matter if he does not know the road.

Light and Easy Talk: Solar-powered Plane Takes First Trip Round-the-wor...

REBLOG> Light and Easy Talk: Solar-powered Plane Takes First Trip Round-the-wor...:

Veronica Glowsome's Original Blog

First Solar Power Plane Circumnavigate the World

A solar-powered aircraft took off successfully from Abu Dhabi on 9 March 2015 in its first attempt to fly around the world without any conventional fossil fuel. Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg of Switzerland will take turns to pilot the plane dubbed Solar Impulse 2 (Si2). Piccard and Borschberg, co-inventors of the Si2, will visit India, China and America before flying back to Abu Dhabi through South Europe or North Africa. The activities of the Si2 will be monitored by her control center at Monte Carlo of Monaco the Xinghua reported. Conor Lennon, communications manager of the Si2 project, told Xinhua that the control center is in charge of "meteorological data monitoring, air traffic control, mission control and flight strategy control", adding that many promotional activities would take place during the aircraft's stopover in Nanjing, China.

Si2 takes off at Abu Dhabi

Plane's Specifications

With a width of about 72 meters, the Si2 is wider than a Boeing 747 jet. She only weighs 2.3 tons which slightly heavier than a sedan. She employ more than 17,000 solar cells on her wings to power up four electric motors. Solar Impulse 2 is expected to complete the 35,000 km journey within five months.

Si2 project team at Monaco

Attempts to Fly

This first attempt to fly using power from the sun reminds me of the first successful attempt to fly by the Wright brothers. While Orville and Wilbur are always depicted as a two-man team chasing a crazy dream, Piccard and Borschberg had a great team to support them. As long as their communication do not fail, the Swiss would be rescued if there is any failure. Nonetheless, it is still a courageous project that these two Swiss are taking. Their success would make air travel cheaper in future. It may pave the way for Gene Roddenberry's USS Enterprise. Leonard Nimoy should had seen this before departing.

My Comments

This is exciting. I think the wings needs to be redesign in future. They need to capture more solar energy to make it go faster and eventually carry more passengers.

The Silk Road

REBLOG> Seeking Enlightenment: The Silk Road:
Sophia Logica's Original Blog

The Silk Road's Recent Development

China's proposals to build a modern-day trading route on the skeleton of the ancient traders' trail, known as the silk road, have been welcomed by its neighbor. The China Daily reported on 9 March 2015 that the project had led to misunderstanding and criticism. Oppositions fear this ambitious and long term project would be derailed. The Polish were supportive of the project and pledge to be part of the project. First secretary of the Polish embassy in Beijing, Wojciech Jakobiec, said "for us, the Silk Road Economic Belt is an especially important project, and we would like to participate in it."

Europeans Understanding of the Silk Road

Based on UNESCO's understanding, silk road was a recent term. They traced it to German geologist, Baron Ferdinand von Richthofen. He called the trade and communication network Die Seidenstrasse (the Silk Road). The silk road is sometimes used in the plural term because the network extend to a web of sea and land routes.

Map of The Silk Road

Baron Coining Silk Road Don't Jive

With due respect to the UNESCO, I do not think that the silk road is a recent term. The Baron lived from 5 May 1833 – 6 October 1905. UNESCO had established that silk was a monopoly of China and found its way to Rome "at some point during the first century". Such and important route could not have been named in 1877 [see Wikipedia] by the baron. I believe it had some reference to it since if was even in existence until the 17th century.

China Reference to the Silk Road

The Chinese had referred to the silk road as "silu" form as far as the recording of their chronicles existed. That goes back to the time that the prominent Chinese diplomat Zhang Qian of the Han Dynasty (206BC—220AD). The UNESCO article also concur with this date. Since this is not about conquest there was not much to hide. The Chinese account had not been inconsistent with the accounts of those they had traded with.

The Meaning of Silu

Out of curiosity, I looked up the translation for "silu". Actually I was not surprised it meant silk road. Si is the word for silk while lu is the Chinese word for road. It is whimsical to think that such a simple name is coined up in 1877 when people who traveled the road to buy or sell silk for ages would refer to it as silk road for simplicity.

My Comments

Tracing history is not easy. What makes if even harder is facing the inconsistency that people point out. Sometimes this can just mess up your entire story and you have to redo the whole thing again.